Friday, October 24, 2008

Funny Friends

I LOVE my friends! They keep me in check when I am just going crazy. I talked to my one of my best friends yesterday for like 2 hours we just have so much in common! My mom took me and my friend Alyssa to a corn maze today and we had so much fun! Yester day I found out I had prably not gotten a part in a really important play to me. I called up my best friend and she totally consoled me a way no one else could. All my friends have totally different personalties.
Alyssa- Is totally a take charge kinda person so some times we clash.
Angelina- Is sweet and always composed I love how she can make me see things in such a wonderful way.
Kenz-Is always there when I need her most just to talk to and laugh with.
Coralyn- Shows me what is like to almost be like an only child. She also makes me laugh.
Emily- Is like my friend that I really only chat with at church. So we are church friends.
So I have all different types of friends, some love leading and some want to follow. I adore all my friends and the way that they make me feel. Un-like my sisters I don't have what they call a "bestie" that is a sister who is like really close to your age. So I have to reli on my friends to be my "besties" which I am okay with! I love how all my friends are so different and funny in such wonderful ways. So if you can't tell I am sorry, but I love my friends!

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