Friday, August 20, 2010

Waiting Game (Again!)

So in my life (well, in any one's life) you spend plenty of time waiting. Waiting to grow up, waiting for school to start, waiting for school to end, waiting for the newest movie (to be in the cheap theater! he he), and waiting for something big. Well right now, I'm mainly waiting for a new house... and bunch of other stuff. I am a very impatient person, so having to wait is not my idea of a good time. Plus if you've read my sisters blogs, or my mothers, or even my aunts, you will quickly discover there isn't much patience floating around for me to latch onto. I'm also waiting for my new curriculum. I don't like waiting, it's boring! I mean lots of times it feels like you sit around and wait and time crawls by and you wait some more. Well, anyway, hopefully by the first of September, we'll have a house and I'll have my curriculum. Thanks for reading my prattle. Hope to see something from most of you soon!