Friday, October 24, 2008

6 Things

Alright I couldn't help reading my Aunts cool list I had to do it. Although I did just post 17 minutes ago.

1.) Weird thing- I have broken my head 4 times and my wrist once. I know it is totally weird.
I also have had scissors puncture my head.

2.) Fun thing- I love a sappy romance novel! I don't know why, but I love that it is always a happy well sappy ending.

3.) Sweet thing- I love giving someone who is sad a hug or a sweet smile to cheer them up.
(Like Clare's change purse episode.)

4.) Interesting thing- My aunt burned my ear one time when she was curling my hair. For the longest time I wouldn't forgive her for burning my ear. I finally did like 3 years ago!

5.) Family thing- I love just sitting and listening to my sisters and parents have a discussion about things. I really love learning about new stuff.

6.) Musical thing- I love listening to music, but took piano for a year. I absolutely hated it! I can't stand practicing anything because I am a procrastinator.

There is my fun little list of new things about me. I hope that you too will have fun writing a list of 6 things. Tag your it to write your 6 things.


Robyn said...

Kelly Mom is always saying how much you remind her of me at your age. So when I saw your list I had to laugh at how many of them I agreed with! I am glad you finally forgave Aunt Dawn, it took me a long time to figure out that holding grudges especially for the little things in life only really sucks for me:) Love ya~Robyn

Clare said...

I accidentally burned Jocelyn's ear with the curling iron before she was 2. For about six months afterwards, every time I would do her hair, she would say, "Don't burn the baby!" in a pitiful little voice. Talk about feeling guilty! :)

Lisa Dawn said...

I love your new background!

Kenz said...

Thats a fun background! I love how you write, girl!