Sunday, November 9, 2008

Is it the Writer that count or what's Written?

Today I read a beatiful post by my best friends sister. I was amazed at the wonderful way she wrote. I never gave it much thought, but do we think more of something written because we know the writer. I always think that things are so much more beatiful when I have a personal realtionship with the person who has written it. I think that is why people who are Christians love the Bible so much. Becuase if you are a Christian you have a personal relationship with God who is the one who wrote the Bible. You might say, but Job wrote the book of Job. Yea he did, but God gave him the right words to put into the book. I believe that if we pay more attention to the writings than to the writer we don't really love something as much. Just ike I love Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John because they are all about Jesus and they are by someone who a had a close relationship with Him. I love Jesus so being able to read a book all about Him, by someone who spent their every waking moment with Him makes the book so much more special! So I hope that the next time you read something you think about the person who took time to write it before you begin criticing it and pouring over the mistakes!

1 comment:

Inspired 2 Smile said...

You really got me thinking and I love what you said. Wise and profound - keep writing, I love to read your blog.