Friday, November 27, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I am so happy, it is officially Christmas time! I love the radio stations, the decorations, I just love it all. The present wrapping is even fun! Okay after about the 47 gift that I've wrapped I am sufficiently all done. I am hyped for the Nutcracker which I get to attend with my friend Alyssa. I can't decide what I am going to wear. But since I have a few days I am not worried. I love the holiday season! Christmas is the best time of year.
But in the fun of all these things I often forget the reason for this fabulous season. Jesus, his birth, his life. That is the reason for this season. I know that if I said that the gifts didn't matter I would kind of be lying. I really enjoy them, would I be devastated if we didn't have them sure. But I also know that I can enjoy getting and giving while loving the reason for the season. I am so glad that we have the joy of Christmas. Imagine how boring winter would be if there was no gift shopping, gift wrapping, decorating, or carol singing. I would imagine I would be so sad and bored. Jesus gives the whole season a reason. Sure you can give gifts, sing songs, and decorate, but it isn't half as fun if there is no rhyme or reason to your gift giving, song singing, or decorating. I also really enjoy the reading of the bible story, the contemplating I due daily during the season of Mary. (I just can't figure that one out. ) I also enjoy the few, okay, lots of weeks off.
But in the hustle and bustle I pray that I would not forget why I am here. Praise the Lord for the oppurtunity to live here and celebrate Christmas!

By the by do you like my new background??


Alyssa said...
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Alyssa said...

I am super excited for Christmas too. I still cannot wait for the decorations to get up. I still cannot beleive it is that time of the year. I just guess I will see you at the nutcracker.
P.s. I love the background. :-)

Rachel said...

I think I love the music best. I get really irked when I'm in a store and they're not playing Christmas music. Get in the spirit people :)

Clare said...

Oooh, I agree with Aunt Dawn. We have a Christian radio station here that is not playing Christmas music! I like the backgrond-it would match my decorations at home. Missing all of you... it is not nearly as crazy without you!:)