Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Facebook Fiend

I want a Facebook really bad! I know that everyone says there not anything special, but does that keep them from having one or posting once or more a day?? I know a blog is great, it really truly is, but a Facebook is something even better. I want a Facebook, because...
  1. Everyone has one!!
  2. I have an easier time keeping up with people who don't blog or e-mail often.
  3. I think it would be fun just to write little things everyday instead of a blog where I feel bad if I write 3 little measly lines.
  4. I could have fun knowing what people are doing, especially people who I would feel really akward e-mailing!
  5. I would be able to stop staring over people's shoulders when they are checking facebook. (Like my mom, and sisters.)
  6. I could let people know I was off to my first baby sitting job, without having to write an entire paragraph about it, because I know no one cares that much.
  7. I could encourage my friend who never does anything but Facebook to maybe write me a-mail or perhaps call me on the phone. Because we always set times, but she is a forgetful person.
  8. I could get to know people, like girls from AWANA, better because they don't e-mail they just Facebook.
  9. I could let people know what was going on in my life without having to e-mail.
  10. If I got one it would allow my friend to get one, becuase her mom said no cause my mom said no! She would be much happier! !

Anyway that was my long speil! I really want a Facebook! I wish that I had one. So maybe if you read this mom you will understand better why I want one. I don't even need it today or tomorrow, but before I turn 15 might be nice!


Rachel said...

If it's any consolation, Kate and LD have one and they never post anything. So really, you're not missing anything :)

Clare said...

I think with a paper like that Mom ought to be willing to see your side. I wish you did have one-although if you commented on my status as infrequently as you comment on my blog it wouldn't matter!;-P

Kenny The Wolf said...

Stuck on email? Facebook is like email on steroids! Email, IM, social networking, games & innumerable other assorted applications, a sort of blogging, photo board, video hosting, interest groups... Just don't go crazy when you do get there. ;)

And the security is tight stuff, if that's an issue. Just gotta customize your settings, although, they're set to pretty good by default.

Plead on!

Alyssa said...

I wonder who the girl in #10 is. Hhmm?